State Trackers: above and beyond volunteerism
The AAO-HNS State Tracker program connects advocacy-minded physicians with specialty-impacting legislation in their state. By monitoring daily legislative reports, State Trackers can quickly alert the Academy if assistance is needed on potentially harmful legislation. In addition, these physician leaders serve as an important point of contact between the Academy, state medical societies, and state otolaryngology societies.
The AAO-HNS State Tracker program connects advocacy-minded physicians with specialty-impacting legislation in their state. By monitoring daily legislative reports, State Trackers can quickly alert the Academy if assistance is needed on potentially harmful legislation. In addition, these physician leaders serve as an important point of contact between the Academy, state medical societies, and state otolaryngology societies. To aid in their efforts, State Trackers have access to an Academy-hosted monthly conference call to help monitor legislative trends, participate in a dedicated ENTConnect community, and receive a monthly legislative summary, “The State-mENT.”
With the end of the 2017 state legislative sessions drawing near, the AAO-HNS would like to recognize our volunteer State Trackers for the time they have invested in protecting the specialty from concerning legislative initiatives across the nation. Thank you for lending your expertise to bolster the Academy’s state advocacy efforts on a variety of issues, including inappropriate scope-of- practice expansions by non-physicians, taxes on cosmetic procedures, access to hearing aids, and medical liability reforms.
Would you like to serve as an AAO-HNS State Tracker? We are actively recruiting State Trackers for Alaska, Idaho, Mississippi, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah. Please contact with any questions or to volunteer!
Alabama J. Noble Anderson, Jr., MD William R. Blythe, MD Niko Corley* Christi Long* William R. Blythe, MD Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas |
Kentucky Paul A. Conrad, MD K. John Yun, MD Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Missouri Montana Nebraska New Jersey New Mexico New York |
North Carolina Art A. Ambrosio, MD Calhoun D. Cunningham III, MD Brian W. Downs, MD Robert F. Leinbach II, MD Eileen M. Raynor, MD Merritt J Seshul, MD W. Alan Skipper* Carlton J. Zdanski, MD Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming |
*State OTO society personnel