Published: May 3, 2017

Annual Meeting & OTO Experience: Continuing Education Opportunities

Unparalleled education is what makes the Annual Meeting & OTO Experience the best of professional events. While the education program is extensive, we have learned that it is easier to navigate when it’s categorized by specialty track.

Unparalleled education is what makes the Annual Meeting & OTO Experience the best of professional events. While the education program is extensive, we have learned that it is easier to navigate when it’s categorized by specialty track.

This year, you can build your entire conference schedule, which includes the Miniseminars, Instruction Courses, Scientific Orals, and more, through the mobile app scheduler or website scheduler that are linked to the mobile app. We urge you to use the available technology to aid program navigation and keep track of your schedule.

Be sure to download the app to design your own personalized schedule. Instructions can be found online at

Schedule Icons

AAO-HNSF designates this live activity for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Types of education programming that qualify:

  • Masters of Surgery Videos
  • Miniseminars
  • Guest Lectures
  • Scientific Posters (up to four credits during designated times)
  • Instruction Courses
  • International Symposium
  • Scientific Orals

While not all sessions are eligible for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™, the total amount of credit a participant can earn is 26. Credit is awarded to physicians when documented by the submission of the conference evaluation. Nonphysicans can complete the evaluation for proof of participation.

The education opportunities don’t end with the close of the conference on September 13. This year, your full conference registration includes access to the AcademyU® library of recorded 2017 sessions. You may now experience the Annual Meeting year-round in AcademyU®.

Important dates

  • July 7: Last day to register at the early discounted rate.
  • August 11: Last day to register at the advance discounted rate.
  • August 11: Hotel reservation deadline.



More from May 2017 - Vol. 36, No. 04