AcademyU® Connects You to Online Learning Options for Voice Disorders
The Foundation’s comprehensive otolaryngology education source, contains hundreds of learning options presented in a variety of formats to complement different learning styles. Developed by leading expert volunteers, the materials are designed to deliver relevant education that is meaningful to your practice. In recognition of World Voice Day, a list of online lectures addressing issues related to voice disorders is included below: Phonomicrosurgery for Benign Pathology Steven M. Zeitels, MD Phonosurgery: What to Do and What to Avoid, Laser and Cold Instruments Jean Abitbol, MD Professional Singers: The Science and Art of Clinical Care Robert Thayer Sataloff, MD A Diagnostic Model for Voice Disorders Robert W. Bastian, MD Vocal Fold Injection: Fact, Fiction, and Material Selection Clark A. Rosen, MD New Lasers: Office and OR, Fiber Cutting and Pulsed Angiolysis Steven M. Zeitels, MD Vocal Nodules, Polyps, and Cysts: Diagnosis and Current Treatment Clark A. Rosen, MD Presbyphonia Michael M. E. Johns III, MD Edie Renee Hapner, PhD Online Lectures are based on annual meeting instruction courses of the same name. Each lecture provides the highlights of these key sessions.
The Foundation’s comprehensive otolaryngology education source, contains hundreds of learning options presented in a variety of formats to complement different learning styles. Developed by leading expert volunteers, the materials are designed to deliver relevant education that is meaningful to your practice.
In recognition of World Voice Day, a list of online lectures addressing issues related to voice disorders is included below:
Phonomicrosurgery for Benign Pathology
Steven M. Zeitels, MD
Phonosurgery: What to Do and What to Avoid, Laser and Cold Instruments
Jean Abitbol, MD
Professional Singers: The Science and Art of Clinical Care
Robert Thayer Sataloff, MD
A Diagnostic Model for Voice Disorders
Robert W. Bastian, MD
Vocal Fold Injection: Fact, Fiction, and Material Selection
Clark A. Rosen, MD
New Lasers: Office and OR, Fiber Cutting and Pulsed Angiolysis
Steven M. Zeitels, MD
Vocal Nodules, Polyps, and Cysts: Diagnosis and Current Treatment
Clark A. Rosen, MD
Michael M. E. Johns III, MD
Edie Renee Hapner, PhD
Online Lectures are based on annual meeting instruction courses of the same name. Each lecture provides the highlights of these key sessions.