Academy Clarifies Role of AAO-HNS Guidance Documents
The May Bulletin highlighted the work the Ad Hoc Payment Model Workgroup has done thus far in 2013. One of the first tasks was the clarification of current Academy guidance documents available to members. Currently, the Academy produces quality knowledge products to aid members in achieving the highest standards of quality care, including Clinical Practice Guidelines and Clinical Consensus Statements. In addition, the Academy produces documents which are often utilized by payers in the development of coverage policies, such as Clinical Indicators and Position Statements, which are monitored and updated as needed by the Academy Committees. The Ad Hoc Workgroup and the Physician Payment Policy Workgroup (3P) have outlined how these documents should be utilized and is proud to release this clarifying information in hopes of increasing the relevancy of these documents to members.
The May Bulletin highlighted the work the Ad Hoc Payment Model Workgroup has done thus far in 2013. One of the first tasks was the clarification of current Academy guidance documents available to members. Currently, the Academy produces quality knowledge products to aid members in achieving the highest standards of quality care, including Clinical Practice Guidelines and Clinical Consensus Statements. In addition, the Academy produces documents which are often utilized by payers in the development of coverage policies, such as Clinical Indicators and Position Statements, which are monitored and updated as needed by the Academy Committees.
The Ad Hoc Workgroup and the Physician Payment Policy Workgroup (3P) have outlined how these documents should be utilized and is proud to release this clarifying information in hopes of increasing the relevancy of these documents to members.