Published: December 2, 2019

Section spotlight: An investment in the future

Movie stars? From the Academy? Several leaders within the Academy will soon become “movie stars” premiering in “Four Days in Boston.” This production will be one of the highlights of the AAO-HNSF 2020 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience in Boston, MA, marking the 10th anniversary celebration of the Women In Otolaryngology (WIO) Endowment and establishment of the Women in Otolaryngology Section.


Movie stars? From the Academy? Several leaders within the Academy will soon become “movie stars” premiering in “Four Days in Boston.” This production will be one of the highlights of the AAO-HNSF 2020 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience in Boston, MA, marking the 10th anniversary celebration of the Women In Otolaryngology (WIO) Endowment and establishment of the Women in Otolaryngology Section.

The movie focuses on the birth of WIO and was born out of efforts of the WIO History Project led by Chair Angela M. Powell, MD, and Member-at-Large Minka L. Schofield, MD. Attendees of the WIO General Assembly, held on September 16 at the 2019 Annual Meeting, viewed the inspirational trailer.

The WIO General Assembly featured Ellen M. Friedman, MD, as the keynote, speaking on emotional intelligence. Dr. Friedman offered practical tips on fostering our own emotional intelligence for our relationships with our patients and colleagues. The Helen F. Krause MD Trailblazer Award was aptly presented to Carol R. Bradford, MD, the President-Elect of the AAO-HNS/F, and the Exemplary Senior Trainee Award was presented to Hayley L. Born, MD. Due to the hard work of Nina S. Yoshpe, MD, WIO Section Chair; Dr. Powell, Chair-Elect; Erika A. Woodson, MD, Past Chair; and Evelyne Kalyoussef, MD, Chair of the WIO Program Committee, the assembly was a rousing success. Congratulations are in order to Jamie Litvack, MD, incoming Chair-Elect, and Dr. Schofield, Member-at-Large.

As a result of the 2018 Academy member survey, WIO held a workshop titled “Negotiation Strategies for Women.” This standing-room-only session focused on an increased need for training in negotiating skills for female otolaryngologists. A recent Doximity survey1 showing that otolaryngology-head and neck surgery has a 22 percent gender wage gap was distributed to attendees.

The main takeaways from the WIO negotiating workshop were:

  • Knowing your value (skills and accomplishments)
  • Highlighting how you benefit your institution or practice
  • Determining a target salary for your specific role/geographic location
  • Developing a negotiation strategy
  • Tips for successful negotiations

This initial workshop was funded by AAO-HNS and a WIO Endowment grant was awarded to convert this workshop into local WIO negotiating skills seminars. Watch for an event in your area in 2020!

The WIO2.0 Endowment Booth, expertly organized by Sujana S. Chandrasekhar, MD, Past President of AAO-HNS/F and current WIO Endowment Committee Chair, generated excitement at the Annual Meeting. It contained “dipping” stations so that attendees could donate to the endowment with ease while a monitor showed a real-time tally of the total. The ultimate endowment goal by the 2020 Annual Meeting is $800,000. To date, over $116,800 has been collected. These “dipping” stations will travel to various otolaryngology meetings throughout the year to help WIO reach its goal. To track the process of this fundraising campaign or to make a donation, go to

 1American Association of University Women (AAUW): 2019 Physician Compensation Report, March 2019, 3rd Annual, Doximity


More from December 2019/January 2020 – Vol. 38, No. 11