Published: September 19, 2019

QCDR measure flows

The measure specification documents for each AAO-HNSF QCDR measure contain easy-to-follow workflows. These measure flows provide visual explanations of the QCDR measures and help you understand which patients can be included in the initial patient population, denominator, and numerator for each measure. With the QCDR measures developed by and for AAO-HNS members, these measure flows are an added effort to support members in providing quality care. Visit

Quality Measures LogoThe measure specification documents for each AAO-HNSF QCDR measure contain easy-to-follow workflows. These measure flows provide visual explanations of the QCDR measures and help you understand which patients can be included in the initial patient population, denominator, and numerator for each measure. With the QCDR measures developed by and for AAO-HNS members, these measure flows are an added effort to support members in providing quality care. Visit

More from October 2019 – Vol. 38, No. 9