Published: August 3, 2018

BOG Model Society Award winner

The Model Society Award recognizes outstanding local/state/regional societies that exhibit effective leadership. The 2018 Model Society Award is based on activities from February 1, 2017, through January 31, 2018.

The Model Society Award recognizes outstanding local/state/regional societies that exhibit effective leadership. The 2018 Model Society Award is based on activities from February 1, 2017, through January 31, 2018.

The Northwest Academy of Otolaryngology (NWAO) is the 2018 recipient of the Board of Governors (BOG) Model Society Award. The NWAO has a full contingent of members participating in the BOG, including Sanjay R. Parikh, MD (BOG Governor), Sung-Won Kim, MD (BOG Legislative Representative), and Nancy R. Juhlin, MD (BOG Socioeconomic & Grassroots Representative).

The NWAO is very active in advocating at the state and local level on important issues affecting the profession and patient care. It has a dedicated member base responsible for monitoring legislative activities at the state capitol and actively lobbying the legislature.

The most recent focus was on Senate Bill 5179, which required coverage for hearing instruments under public employee and Medicaid programs in Washington State. Through the NWAO’s efforts, the bill was amended to include otolaryngologists and passed the State House by a comfortable 80-18 vote. The bill was signed by Governor Jay Inslee on March 21, 2018. Dr. Kim was invited to the signing to represent NWAO.

In addition to legislative advocacy, the NWAO plans and runs other member programs, including an annual winter meeting, spring and fall dinner meetings, quarterly email blast updates, maintenance of an up-to-date membership directory, and distribution of a regular member newsletter focusing on timely issues.

More from August 2018 – Vol. 37, No. 7