Published: December 11, 2014Olympus More from December 2014/January 2015 - Vol. 33 No.12Mission Trip to Santo Domingo, Dominican RepublicEarlier this year, I traveled to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, with a group of surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, and staff under the auspices of Medical Aid for the Children of Latin America (MACLA).CPT Changes for 2015: What ENTs Need to KnowAs the medical community has come to expect, part of the annual rulemaking process conducted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) includes the new and modified CPT codes, developed by the American Medical Association’s (AMA) Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Editorial Panel.Orlando Recap: a Resident’s Perspective – ONLINE EXCLUSIVEThis year, more than 1,000 residents and fellows-in-training attended the AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO EXPOSM in Orlando. Through the generosity of the AAO-HNS, 127 of these residents received Resident Leadership Grants (RLG) to defer the cost of attending the meeting.Modeling How Committees Influence the SpecialtyFour AAO-HNS/F committees have been named Model Committees based on their accomplishments since the 2013 Annual Meeting & OTO EXPOSM. The Model Committee Award recognizes committees that contribute in ways that lead to the overall success of the AAO-HNS/F vision: empowering otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeons to deliver the best patient care.The Manifestations of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in Ear, Nose, And Throat, Head And NeckEbola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak is a public health emergency of significant international concern. The World Health Organization estimates we will see more than 10,000 new Ebola cases each week in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia by the end of the year.The Three A’s RevisitedAs the holidays pass so quickly signaling the completion of yet another year, we pause and reflect.Saying “Thank You”As I depart the Academy and say, “thank you,” I feel the need to recognize others whose influences on my life have been profound. First, my parents and siblings. I am one of 11 children—five older and five younger—eight of whom are still living, and they bless my life in indescribable ways.We Are United in Our Diverse FieldWith our new Bulletin publication schedule, the December and January issues are consolidated so we can simultaneously say goodbye to 2014 and move on to 2015. More importantly, this expanded issue can accommodate information that will be valuable to Members throughout the coming year, as we continue “Transforming, Thriving, Together.”