Published: October 20, 2013

Remembering the “Thanks” in Thanksgiving

It is no accident that we talk about giving and becoming a donor at this time of year. It is a time to count our blessings and acknowledge the important things in our lives that sustain us and those we care about. Many of you, like me, are concerned about how we can express our gratitude in ways that go beyond ourselves and those around us to have a significant effect on the future. And we want to make smart choices in this regard as we do in all aspects of our lives. As you read this month’s feature stories on opportunities for support within the AAO-HNS/F, take advantage of the serendipitous presentation, also within this issue, of the Annual Report. Here, read a compilation of this organization’s accomplishments that happen with extraordinary vision, energy, and conservative fiscal management. Smart giving: Professional fundraisers tell us that we are not alone in our concern about giving. Donors are no longer willing to give to organizations without strong confidence that their dollars will be used effectively. These philanthropic experts suggest that one of the key lessons learned in managing giving is well supported organizations are clear about the desired outcomes of their fundraising programs. Furthermore, organizations that are the most effective in reaching philanthropic goals have the most engaged donors. The AAO-HNS/F has engaged donors. This month’s collection of articles about our giving programs is a testament to our own members’ commitment to our Foundation’s mission. They also attest to the achievements of our fundraising programs. It is true that some organizations are better than others at effectively achieving the philanthropic goal. One website, Charity Navigator, offers tips on the 10 best practices of savvy donors. In a quick read, I found a few best practices of smart givers that show the AAO-HNS/F programs present givers with thoughtful support opportunities: Don’t wait for a phone solicitation. Make the choice to give. I believe in this practice—give directly to the people you choose to support and the program(s) that makes sense to you. The AAO-HNS/F encourages all members to become engaged in its giving programs and aware of the opportunities to give to programs they themselves have initiated. Example: For a blueprint of how a few members became engaged and built a big opportunity for supporting diversity in our specialty, see the example outlined by Duane J. Taylor, MD, [insert link]  on page 16. Start a dialogue about the organization’s programs and look at the program results. After reading the following pages, you will see that our organization champions process and progress; we celebrate the efforts that advance the specialty and we want to show off the results of our efforts. Example: One of the most evident successes in our recent Foundation history was in the acknowledgment of the Hal Foster, MD Endowment Founding Donors with the installation of the Wall of Honor. See the inception-to-reality documentation. Concentrate your giving. Give back by considering philanthropic support as an affirmation of the value you place on the mission, programs, and resources connected to that mission and your commitment to it. We all know when it comes to financial investments, diversification helps reduce risk. It is just the reverse in philanthropic investments. If you can engage in a cause you care about, you should feel confident in giving to it in a major way. Spreading your money among multiple organizations diminishes the possibility of any of those groups bringing about substantive change. Example: To investigate a society’s giving culture and choose a path within a program, you will find no better example than that of the Millennium Society. Read more about the Millennium Society. Share your intentions and make a long-term commitment. Smart donors support their favorite organizations for the long haul. They see themselves as a partner in the organization’s efforts to bring about change. They know that only with long-term, committed supporters can charitable support be successful. And they don’t hesitate to tell the organization of their giving plans so the organization knows it can rely on the donor. We are grateful that the Academy is filled with such smart, forward-thinking donors. Example: In the BOG Column this month, Jay Youngerman, MD, presents a fine example of a giving program formed by members that evolved to have more influence and expanded its vision due to member persistence and long-term commitment. This cornucopia of great efforts and results shows us that this is an organization worthy of support where investments really do translate to measurable results. During this holiday season, please remember the AAO-HNS/F when you contemplate your regular year-end philanthropy. It’s an investment that will keep on giving for years to come.

It is no accident that we talk about giving and becoming a donor at this time of year. It is a time to count our blessings and acknowledge the important things in our lives that sustain us and those we care about. Many of you, like me, are concerned about how we can express our gratitude in ways that go beyond ourselves and those around us to have a significant effect on the future. And we want to make smart choices in this regard as we do in all aspects of our lives.

As you read this month’s feature stories on opportunities for support within the AAO-HNS/F, take advantage of the serendipitous presentation, also within this issue, of the Annual Report. Here, read a compilation of this organization’s accomplishments that happen with extraordinary vision, energy, and conservative fiscal management.

Smart giving: Professional fundraisers tell us that we are not alone in our concern about giving. Donors are no longer willing to give to organizations without strong confidence that their dollars will be used effectively. These philanthropic experts suggest that one of the key lessons learned in managing giving is well supported organizations are clear about the desired outcomes of their fundraising programs. Furthermore, organizations that are the most effective in reaching philanthropic goals have the most engaged donors.

The AAO-HNS/F has engaged donors. This month’s collection of articles about our giving programs is a testament to our own members’ commitment to our Foundation’s mission. They also attest to the achievements of our fundraising programs.

It is true that some organizations are better than others at effectively achieving the philanthropic goal. One website, Charity Navigator, offers tips on the 10 best practices of savvy donors. In a quick read, I found a few best practices of smart givers that show the AAO-HNS/F programs present givers with thoughtful support opportunities:

Don’t wait for a phone solicitation. Make the choice to give. I believe in this practice—give directly to the people you choose to support and the program(s) that makes sense to you. The AAO-HNS/F encourages all members to become engaged in its giving programs and aware of the opportunities to give to programs they themselves have initiated.

Example: For a blueprint of how a few members became engaged and built a big opportunity for supporting diversity in our specialty, see the example outlined by Duane J. Taylor, MD, [insert link]  on page 16.

Start a dialogue about the organization’s programs and look at the program results. After reading the following pages, you will see that our organization champions process and progress; we celebrate the efforts that advance the specialty and we want to show off the results of our efforts.

Example: One of the most evident successes in our recent Foundation history was in the acknowledgment of the Hal Foster, MD Endowment Founding Donors with the installation of the Wall of Honor.

See the inception-to-reality documentation.

Concentrate your giving. Give back by considering philanthropic support as an affirmation of the value you place on the mission, programs, and resources connected to that mission and your commitment to it. We all know when it comes to financial investments, diversification helps reduce risk. It is just the reverse in philanthropic investments. If you can engage in a cause you care about, you should feel confident in giving to it in a major way. Spreading your money among multiple organizations diminishes the possibility of any of those groups bringing about substantive change.

Example: To investigate a society’s giving culture and choose a path within a program, you will find no better example than that of the Millennium Society.

Read more about the Millennium Society.

Share your intentions and make a long-term commitment. Smart donors support their favorite organizations for the long haul. They see themselves as a partner in the organization’s efforts to bring about change. They know that only with long-term, committed supporters can charitable support be successful. And they don’t hesitate to tell the organization of their giving plans so the organization knows it can rely on the donor. We are grateful that the Academy is filled with such smart, forward-thinking donors.

Example: In the BOG Column this month, Jay Youngerman, MD, presents a fine example of a giving program formed by members that evolved to have more influence and expanded its vision due to member persistence and long-term commitment.

This cornucopia of great efforts and results shows us that this is an organization worthy of support where investments really do translate to measurable results. During this holiday season, please remember the AAO-HNS/F when you contemplate your regular year-end philanthropy. It’s an investment that will keep on giving for years to come.

More from November 2012 - Vol. 31 No. 11

Members of the El Khadra ENT Department (r. to l.): Dr. Nureddin Ben Sabaan; Dr. Abdulmotaleb Shamam; Dr. Hiethem Khlatt; Mr. Aziz Abushaala FRCS (Gl.), ORL-HN Surgeon; Dr. Khaled Eljallah, MD, FRCSC, Head of ENT Department El Khadra Hospital; Dr. Murad Elhuderi; Dr. Seraj Oun; and Dr. Khaled Mohsen.
Summer in Libya: A Chance to Help Rebuild
Ilaaf Darrat, MD, Ford Health System, Detroit, MI February 17, 2011, is not a particularly important date to most people in the United States. For Libyans, this date signifies freedom from 42 years of dictatorship and oppression, as the start of the uprising that finally toppled the Gaddafi regime. However, for many Libyans, the revolution started long before February 17 of last year. My own family actively opposed the regime for decades, being forced to live in exile for more than 30 years. Despite the many years we spent away from our home, we have always believed the regime’s time would come and we should take advantage of the opportunities we have in the United States to prepare ourselves to one day contribute to the betterment of our homeland. Well, that day finally came, and I was grateful to have the opportunity to do my part. The revolution was over, the regime had collapsed, and Libya’s first free elections in more than four decades took place—a happy occasion marked by huge celebrations in the streets. And I was there to witness it and to be a part of the change for which everyone was hoping. With the help of Khalid Eljallah, MD, a Canadian-trained Libyan otolaryngologist, I volunteered at El Khadra Hospital in Tripoli, Libya, in July. El Khadra is one of three government-run hospitals in Tripoli that provide medical care at no cost to Libyan citizens. I worked with a group of eager residents who were interested in increasing their knowledge base and skill level. I covered the clinic, gave grand rounds, and taught in the operative theater. In the clinic, we discussed the clinical scenarios, and we saw dozens of patients in the mornings. I was impressed by the knowledge of the trainees, who wanted to know what treatments U.S. physicians typically administered for specific diagnoses. We realized that there were more similarities in treatments than differences. The evident difference was that despite the trainees’ sound medical knowledge, their training in the operative theater was limited. Even the most senior residents (including one who had been in training for more than eight years) did not possess the requisite skills to perform a parotidectomy or a FESS using the microdebrider. Only Dr. Eljallah, the ENT consultant at El Khadra Hospital, performed those cases. There is a huge demand for training opportunities to really bring out the residents’ potential and commitment to learning. Working with the residents was a real joy. You could feel their excitement and see their hopes for the future. They were hungry for more training, particularly from overseas physicians. However, they face many challenges practicing medicine in Libya, including a general lack of confidence in physicians trained there. Among the general population, many do not believe doctors in Libya can deal with complicated medical cases. As a result, many Libyans will strain their limited budgets to travel to neighboring countries for medical care. Despite having more talent and skill than is often assumed of them, many residents are hoping to “match” in residencies overseas to strengthen the reputation of Libyan doctors and, more importantly, to develop themselves and provide the world-class care their fellow citizens need. Many other exiles, like me, have returned to Libya to develop relationships with physicians there, to treat patients in the country, and to encourage young residents to continue to dream big and work hard. I plan to return to Libya at least once a year to continue to educate and train Libya’s future otolaryngologists. There is much work to be done, but we are hopeful and ready for the task.
AAO-HNS Summary of CY 2013 Outpatient Prospective Payment System and Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment Proposed Rule
On July 6, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released its proposed rule for Medicare’s hospital outpatient prospective payment system (OPPS) and ambulatory surgical center (ASC) payment system. The Academy submitted comments to CMS on the OPPS and ASC proposed rule on August 29. Academy staff summarized the sections of the rule we believe are most relevant to members in response to an increased number of members who indicate they practice in hospital outpatient or ASC setting. Below, in summary, are the key provisions from the rule that we believe Academy members should consider. Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) Key Provisions Background on the OPPS OPPS payments cover facility resources including equipment, supplies, and hospital staff, but do not pay for the services of physicians and nonphysician practitioners who are paid separately under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS). All services under the OPPS are technical and are classified into groups called Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APCs). Services in each APC are grouped by clinically similar services that require the use of similar resources. A payment rate is established for each APC using two-year-old hospital claims data adjusted by individual hospitals cost to charge ratios. The APC national payment rates are adjusted for geographic cost differences, and payment rates and policies are updated annually through rulemaking. OPPS 2013 Proposed Payment Rates For CY 2013, CMS proposed a hospital outpatient department (HOPD) conversion factor to calculate the increase of 2.1 percent. CMS has also proposed to continue implementing the statutory two percent reduction in payments for hospitals that fail to meet the hospital outpatient quality reporting (OQR) requirements. Updates Affecting OPPS Payments In CY 2013, CMS also proposed using the geometric mean to calculate the cost of services within an APC to determine relative payment weights for services. This is a drastic change from the former methodology, used since the inception of the OPPS in 2000, which relied on the median costs of services to establish relative weights for services. CMS states this change is in response to commenters’ persistent concerns regarding the degree to which payment rates reflect the costs associated with providing a service, year-to-year variation, and whether packaged items are appropriately reflected in payment weights. In addition, the Agency felt that the mean better encompasses the variation in costs and the range of costs associated with providing services. It also will allow earlier detection of changes in the cost of services and may promote better stability in the payment system. Further, this brings the OPPS in line with the inpatient methodology, which uses mean costs to calculate the diagnosis related group (DRG) weights. Lastly, CMS believes this will improve its ability to identify resource distinctions between previously homogeneous services. Observation Status Under current policy, when a Medicare beneficiary presents to the hospital for care the physician must decide whether to admit them as an inpatient or treat them as an outpatient. Inpatient services are paid under Medicare Part A, while outpatient services are paid under Medicare Part B. Occasionally, when a physician admits the patient for hospital care, a reviewing body such as a MAC, RAC, or CERT will review the claim and deny it as not reasonable and necessary under the Social Security Act (SSA). In these cases, hospitals may rebill a new inpatient claim for a limited set of Part B services that were furnished to the patient and refer to it as “Inpatient Part B” or “Part B Only” services. Once the patient is discharged, however, the hospital cannot change their status to outpatient in order to submit an outpatient claim. If the hospital wishes to change the status, it must be done prior to discharge and the patient, provider, and utilization review committee must agree with the status change decision. The reason for this restriction is due to potential liability for the beneficiary. Specifically, beneficiaries that are admitted as inpatients pay a onetime deductible for all services provided during their first 60 days in the hospital. They are not asked to pay for self-administered drugs and post-acute skilled nursing facility (SNF) care that may be required by Medicare, so long as the beneficiary was in the hospital as an inpatient for three days. Outpatients, however, are required to pay a copayment for each outpatient service, and self-administered drugs and SNF care are not covered by Medicare Part B. In its proposed rule, CMS requested public comment on ways to address areas of concern regarding these policies. In response, the Academy provided specific feedback to the following CMS inquiries: How CMS might improve current instructions on when a patient should be admitted as an inpatient; Whether it is permissible for CMS to redefine “inpatient” using length of stay or other variables as the parameters in conjunction with medical necessity; Whether it is appropriate or useful to establish a point in time after which an encounter becomes an inpatient stay; Whether CMS should cap the amount of time a beneficiary can receive observation services as an outpatient; and Whether the use of clinical measures or prior authorization would be useful requirements for payment of an admission. Conditions of Payment for Therapy Services in Hospitals and CAHs In response to concerns expressed in past years’ Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) public comments, CMS clarifies that it does not intend to establish different supervision requirements for hospitals and critical access hospitals (CAHs) under §410.27 of the regulations for physical therapy, speech language pathology, and occupational therapy services provided in the outpatient setting when furnished under a certified therapy plan of care. CMS notes that if the services are billed by the hospital or CAH as therapy services, the supervision requirements do not apply. However, CMS notes that policies, covered by §410.27 of the Medicare coverage manual, regarding supervision and other requirements do apply to physical therapy (PT), speech-language pathology (SLP), and occupational therapy (OT) services when those services are not furnished under a certified therapy plan of care (referred to as “sometimes therapy” services). Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting (OQR) Program As established in previous rules, hospitals will continue to face a 2 percentage point reduction to their OPD fee schedule update for failure to report on quality measures in the OQR Program. Program measures can be accessed at Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Key Provisions  Background on ASCs Covered surgical procedures in the ASC setting are defined as procedures that would not be expected to pose a significant risk to beneficiaries safety when performed in an ASC and that would not be expected to require active medical monitoring and care at midnight following the procedure. CMS reviews the ASC payment system to implement applicable statutory requirements and changes arising from continuing experience with this system on an annual basis. In the proposed rule, CMS proposes relative payment weights and payment amounts for services furnished in ASCs, and other rate setting information for the CY 2012 ASC payment system. ASC 2013 Proposed Payment Rates For CY 2013, CMS proposes a 1.3 percent increase to the ASC conversion factor in CY 2013. This results in a proposed increase in the conversion factor from $42.627 in 2012 to $43.190 in 2013. Surgical Procedures Designated as Office-Based Annually, CMS proposes to update payments for office-based procedures and device-intensive procedures using its previously established methodology. Office-based procedures are defined as surgical procedures, which are utilized more than 50 percent in the physicians’ office. For CY 2013, CMS is proposing, based on their review of CY 2011 utilization data, to permanently designate six covered surgical procedures as “office-based” within the ASC setting. Most notably, three of those codes are nasal/sinus endoscopy procedures (CPT codes 31295, 31296, and 31297). This means that CMS will pay for these procedures at the lesser of the proposed 2013 MPFS nonfacility Practice Expense (PE) RVU amount, or the proposed 2013 ASC payment amount. ASC Quality Reporting Program In 2012, CMS finalized the implementation of an ASC quality-reporting program (ASCQR), which will begin October 2012. Quality measures have been adopted for the calendar years (2014-2016) and payment penalties will take effect in 2014, using 2012 data. ASCs must submit data on the claims-based quality measures by including the appropriate Quality Data Code (QDC) on their Medicare claims. ASC’s that fail to properly report their data will receive a two percent payment penalty. Quality measures can be found at To access the Academy’s full summary of the proposed requirements for the programs highlighted above, visit the Academy’s CMS Regulations and Comment letter page at or email Academy staff at
Systematic Review Training
2013 Cochrane Colloquium, Quebec City, Canada September 19-23, 2013 2013 Cochrane Scholars The AAO-HNS/F leadership and SAGE, publisher of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, have identified a need to train otolaryngologists in the conduct and publication of systematic literature reviews. Systematic reviews have a high citation impact, and serve as the foundation for evidence-based practice guidelines, clinical performance measures, and maintenance of specialty certification. Four travel grants of up to $2,500 will be offered for the 2013 Colloquium in Quebec City, Canada, September 19-23, 2013. The Colloquium features a full scientific program and nearly 60 training and discussion workshops related to systematic review. In return for a travel grant to attend the meeting, grant recipients must agree to initiate and submit a systematic review to Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery for publication consideration within 12 months (by September 23, 2014). Attendees will be introduced to the Cochrane Collaboration, the world leader in evidence summaries of healthcare interventions, and will learn state-of-the-art techniques for producing systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The AAO-HNS/F has partnered with the staff and editors of the Cochrane ENT Disorders Group to create this unique educational opportunity.* Apply by January 1, 2013 To learn more about how to apply, visit Questions? Contact Caitlin Murray at or 703-535-3748. *Residents and previous G-I-N or Cochrane Scholar recipients are not eligible to apply
Thank You!
The Academy would like to extend its heartfelt appreciation to Richard Waguespack, MD, for his role as Coordinator for Socioeconomic Affairs (CSA) during the past five years. Dr. Waguespack has worked tirelessly to advocate for appropriate reimbursement for otolaryngology services at the federal, state, and local levels. His diplomacy and inclusiveness of any subgroup that may be affected by a regulatory or reimbursement change is truly extraordinary. The Academy looks forward to his continued expert input as a member of the Physician Payment Policy Workgroup, (3P). We would also like to sincerely thank Bill Moran, MD, for his 12 years of service on the American Medical Association (AMA)/Specialty Society Relative Value Update Committee’s (RUC) Practice Expense Advisory Committee, which concluded earlier this year. Please join us in thanking Dr. Moran for his tireless work to prepare for the RUC meetings, spending time away from his practice and family to advocate for appropriate and fair valuation of the otolaryngology-head and neck services you provide to your patients. Coordinator Search Task Force Groups (As Determined by Rodney P. Lusk, MD, 2012 AAO-HNS/F president January 10, 2012) Socioeconomic Affairs Task Force Michael Seidman, MD, Chair Members Sandy Archer, MD Sujana Chandrasekhar, MD Duane Taylor, MD Lauren Zaretsky, MD Jim Netterville, MD Richard Waguespack, MD (advisor with no vote) Practice Affairs Task Force Gavin Setzen, MD, Chair Members Linda Brodsky, MD Lisa Perry-Gilkes, MD Shannon Pryor, MD Wendy Stern, MD Pablo Stolovitzky, MD Jim Netterville, MD Michael Setzen, MD (advisor with no vote)
3P Workgroup Update: Recognition and Appreciation for Incoming and Outgoing Leaders
James Denneny, MD Coordinator for Socioeconomic Affairs  Michael Setzen, MD Coordinator for Practice Affairs, and Co-chairs of 3P The Physician Payment Policy (3P) Workgroup is the senior advisory body to Academy leadership and staff on issues related to socioeconomic advocacy, regulatory activity, coding or reimbursement, and practice services or management. 3P is co-chaired by the coordinator for socioeconomic affairs and the coordinator for practice affairs. As you may recall, there was an extensive search during the spring of 2012 for coordinators-elect for the positions of Coordinator for Socioeconomic Affairs and the Coordinator for Practice Affairs. There were several highly esteemed applicants who submitted letters of intent and CVs to the Search Committee for review. Many thanks to the time and effort taken by the Search Committee for the coordinator for socioeconomic affairs, led by Michael Seidman, MD, and the Search Committee for the coordinator for practice affairs, led by Gavin Setzen, MD, during the review process. After careful consideration of all applicants’ CVs and letters of intent, each Search Committee narrowed down the applicants to the finalists who were interviewed during the May 2012 Board of Governors meeting. Congratulations to the finalists for each position: James D. Denneny, III, MD, selected for the coordinator-elect for socioeconomic affairs and Jane Dillon, MD, selected for coordinator-elect for practice affairs (CPA) position. Both of these positions are non-voting members of the Academy’s Board of Directors. The coordinators work together in concert to coordinate the socioeconomic activities of the Academy and develop and maintain programs that support and provide practice management related answers to health policy issues (CPA position). Typically, these positions are both five-year commitments that include one year of shadowing the current coordinator for socioeconomic affairs, Richard Waguespack, MD, and the current coordinator for practice affairs, Michael Setzen, MD, and four years in the position. However, with Dr. Waguespack’s new leadership role as president-elect, he resigned his coordinator position and Dr. Denneny’s term began effective immediately following the annual meeting. In reflection of his past years of service, Dr. Waguespack said, “My job as CSA was extraordinarily enhanced by the efforts of my colleagues serving on 3P, within our committees, and subspecialty societies, and by the exemplary work of Academy staff. The challenge now is to identify and mentor those in the next generation to carry on dealing with these never-ending challenges.” Interestingly, a similar occurrence took place in 2007 when Dr. Waguespack took over as coordinator for Socioeconomic Affairs for Dr. Denneny when Dr. Denneny became president of the Academy. Dr. Denneny served two terms in this capacity and is fully aware of the responsibilities and requirements of the position. Besides these prior Academy leadership roles, Dr. Denneny has served as RUC advisor so he has deep experience with coding and reimbursement issues and socioeconomic policy. He was in private practice, and has recently returned to a full-time academic practice at the University of Missouri, which affords him the time and resources to perform the duties at a high level. He is familiar with the CPT/RUC activities having been the RUC advisor and alternate representative. Dr. Denneny is currently on the Socioeconomics Committee and the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors of the American College of Surgeons (ACS). These positions would open synergistic opportunities to increase cooperation and build coalitions among the surgical societies as we try to make our way through an increasingly hostile landscape for physicians, particularly surgeons. Dr. Denneny’s goal for 3P moving forward is to be less reactive and to focus more on payment and quality, and the future of medicine, including bundled payment/episodes of care, and he stresses the importance of joining with the American College of Surgeons (ACS) or House of Medicine for help with leading advocacy efforts that affect all surgical societies, such as the value-based payment modifier. The Search Committee, Executive Committee, and Board of Directors are confident that the partnership of Dr. Denneny and Dr. Dillon will be an excellent one for providing leadership and coordinating socioeconomic and practice affairs in upcoming years. Dr. Dillon has been a member of the Physician Payment Policy (3P) workgroup for the past six years. She is current CPT/RVU Committee Chair, the Academy’s RUC Panel Member Alternate as well as immediate-past RUC Advisor. She is currently pursuing a MBA, which will be completed in 2012. The ACS nominated Dr. Dillon who was appointed to the AMA Payment and Delivery Reform Innovator’s Committee last year. She also serves on the CPT/RUC Chronic Care Coordination Workgroup. She is a leader in her practice in Illinois and also of a large Physician Health Organization (PHO) in that area. These roles have kept her extremely current in what is happening in new physician reimbursement and care delivery models from both from the government and private payer perspectives. Dr. Dillon’s goal for 3P/the Academy is to provide members with resources to assist them in advocacy efforts with public and private payers in the areas of payment, including adoption of payment guidelines that enable our members to best serve their patients. Also, Dr. Dillon is in agreement with Dr. Denneny’s goal for 3P stressing the importance of the continued efforts for advocating for our specialty in areas related to health care payment and delivery reform.
Women in Otolaryngology Section Poised for another Outstanding Year
Susan R. Cordes, MD Chair, WIO Section Erika A. Woodson, MD Chair, WIO Communications Committee The 2012 American Academy of Otolaryngology Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO was a fantastic success and marks the beginning of the second full year of Women in Otolaryngology (WIO) as a section. The WIO section sponsored a number of events that were well attended and well received. There were many relevant mini-seminars, courses, and activities, some highlights follow. Monday was busy. The miniseminar, “Professional Advancement: Why Gender Differences Matter” immediately preceded the WIO General Assembly. The session was moderated by Nancy M. Young, MD, and Debara L. Tucci, MD, and featured panelists, Sujana S. Chandrasekhar, MD, Sonya Malekzadeh, MD, and Carol R. Bradford, MD. Drs. Tucci and Young presented data regarding lack of professional advancement by women, and audience polling showed that there was strong agreement. Women had failed to negotiate salary at their first job more than 90 percent of the time. They were also much more likely to believe that their accomplishments should be recognized without their speaking of them. Drs. Bradford, Chandrasekhar, and Malekzadeh related their experiences with mentorship, negotiations, and academic advancement. Stories of failures and successes motivated engagement from the audience, and a lively, detailed question/answer period ensued. Several women congratulated the panel on providing the type of mentorship they needed simply by offering such an honest and soul-searching program. The marquee event on Monday was the WIO luncheon. It was open to all annual meeting attendees and featured expert medical blogger, Kevin Pho, MD, AKA KevinMD. Dr. Pho shared his experience with social media, how it has shaped his practice, and how it has allowed him to influence policy and public attitudes toward medicine and physicians. He encouraged all attendees to have a voice through social media and to not fear taking charge of one’s online presence. He shared advice on how to get started in social media, how to protect privacy, set professional boundaries with patients, and shape Google searches to one’s advantage. Look for further details in the November edition of the WIO eNews. After Dr. Pho’s excellent presentation, the WIO General Assembly was held and Sujana S. Chandrasekhar, MD was given the Helen F. Krause, MD Trailblazer Award for her stellar leadership and mentorship of WIO. A slate of officers for the upcoming year was voted in and includes: Chair-Elect, Mona M. Abaza, MD; Information Officer/Secretary, Marcella R. Bothwell, MD; Member-at-Large (2-year term), Liz A. Dunham, MD, MPH; Member-At-Large (1-year term), Soha N. Ghossaini, MD; Financial Officer, Pell Ann Wardrop, MD. In addition, Susan R. Cordes, MD will move from Chair-Elect to Chair of the WIO section, Shannon P. Pryor, MD will stay on the Governing Council (GC) as Immediate Past Chair and Nominating Committee Chair, Linda S. Brodsky, MD will continue as Chair of the Council on Committees, and Kristina E. Hart, MD will serve as Historian. Nominating Committee members were selected to choose next year’s slate of officers; they are Jean Kim, MD, PhD and Phyllis B. Bouvier, MD. Look for information regarding elections in future WIO e-newsletters. After hearing updates on section activities of the past year, members broke out into committee meetings with the engagement/involvement of many new section participants. As a parting gift, all attendees were treated to a cosmetics bag and makeup, courtesy of Michael Kors/Estee Lauder. Tuesday, the WIO section sponsored the “Role of Women in Humanitarian Outreach,” which featured Natasha Mirza, MD, Naseem Salahuddin, MD, Kelly M. Malloy, MD, and Jo A. Shapiro, MD as panelists. This miniseminar demonstrated that women have the power to help families and entire communities. They are at the heart of many community-based efforts to improve education, prevent the spread of disease, and increase access to medical care. The speakers outlined how to create lasting, meaningful humanitarian outreach efforts and related their own personal experiences on multiple continents, including Africa and Asia. Also on Tuesday, the Section for Residents and Fellows-in-Training sponsored a miniseminar titled, “Finding Balance in a Surgical Career.” Moderators were Ayesha N. Khalid, MD and Lawrence M. Simon, MD. Panelists included Sujana S. Chandrasekhar, Timothy L. Smith, MD, MPH, Lizabeth F. Clarke, MD and Anthony E. Magit, MD. Dr. Khalid remarked on how wonderful it was to see a mix of young and experienced physicians in the audience, a sign that finding balance is a challenge that we all continuously face. The panelists shared their experiences, both successful and not, in their careers and in their private lives. Dr. Clarke, in particular, has created a unique setup that enables her to practice full office-based ENT, avoid call, take care of her children, and live near her extended family. It is clear that young and old physicians alike are looking for the mentoring and support that comes from others sharing their thoughts and experiences. The WIO GC met on Tuesday morning to plan the agenda for the upcoming year. The WIO Program Committee Chair, Lauren S. Zaretsky, MD, has many exciting lunch speaker and miniseminar plans for the 2013 annual meeting to be held September 29-October 2 in beautiful Vancouver. Awards Committee Chair, Valerie A. Flanary, MD, announced plans to expand the number of awards opportunities for WIO. The Leadership Development & Mentorship Committee Chair, Dr. Abaza, will be reaching out to incoming and current resident WIO as well as residency Program Directors. Under the leadership of Research and Survey Committee Chair, Dr. Brodsky, the WIO is planning to survey residency programs about parental leave policies. Pell Ann Wardrop, MD, Endowment Committee Chair, will continue endeavors to build the WIO Endowment, ensuring future opportunities for scholarship and activities. Lastly, as another new chair of the WIO Communications Committee, I will spearhead enhancement of WIO’s social media presence via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and the new WIO website ( We encourage all members of the American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery to become WIO Facebook page fans and to use this forum to share interesting articles, insights on work-life balance, women in medicine, and gender issues. After the annual meeting, pioneering leaders Drs. Sonya Malekzadeh, Sujana S. Chandrasekhar, and Lauren S. Zaretsky, rotated off of the WIO Governing Council. WIO is deeply appreciative of all of the hard work, enthusiasm, and heart these amazing women have contributed to the WIO Section and the council. September 30 marked the conclusion of Dr. Pryor’s, term as Section Chair. She has been a great leader through this, our first full year as a section and we thank her for her dedication and countless contributions to WIO. The Governing Council is happy to welcome new members Drs. Bothwell, Dunham, and Ghossaini. Joining Drs. Cordes, Chair and Abaza, Chair-Elect, and Pryor, Immediate Past Chair and Nominating Committee Chair, the other members of the WIO GC include, Drs. Wardrop, Financial Officer, Brodsky, Chair, Council on Committees, and Hart, Historian (ex-officio). It has been a dynamic and exciting time for WIO as we complete our transition from committee to section. We owe a debt of gratitude to many thoughtful, inspirational people who have laid the groundwork for our success, and we look forward to more progress as we continue to promote an environment in our Academy that fully recognizes and promotes the talents of all its members.
Diversity Committee: A Force and a Commitment Noted
As my term as Diversity Committee Chair ended in September, I reflected on the progress our Academy has made during the past six years as it dynamically galvanized its commitment toward the areas of inclusion and diversity in our specialty, and maintained “The Changing Face of Otolaryngology” campaign. The Diversity Committee was born out of the ideas proposed to our Academy leadership by incoming Diversity Committee Chair Lisa Perry-Gilkes, MD, and myself years ago in a society forum for expressing concerns and ideas to make the Academy better. It doesn’t seem very long ago that then Academy Board member (and later, president) Ron Kuppersmith, MD, and Academy President Richard Miyamoto, MD, set the stage and approved the formation of a Diversity Task Force, which soon became a committee after creating the Academy’s first policy statement on diversity in 2007. The policy states, “The AAO-HNS affirms that in order to continue to work for the best ear, nose, and throat care, we must support and encourage diversity in our membership. We acknowledge that culturally effective care is predicated on cultural sensitivity and cultural competence. We are committed to diversity and equal opportunity for our members. The Academy affirms its dedication to diversity by ensuring and developing opportunity for leadership positions within the Academy that are accessible to all Fellows, including underrepresented minorities within our specialty.” Since the committee’s inception, it has been infused with a cross section of our membership that has contributed multiple educational articles to the Bulletin, had an ongoing presence at our annual meeting through miniseminars and instructional courses, and participated in monthly conference calls. The greatest accomplishments have been the creation of two endowments with the assistance of the development staff that include the Harry Barnes Endowment and the Diversity Endowment, each of which is set up to align with, and help fulfill, the commitment expressed in the Academy’s Diversity Policy Statement. As Diversity Committee chair, I have had the honor of attending the AAO-HNS Board meetings as an invited guest during my tenure, and attending as an Ex Officio member of the Physician Resource Committee. The Society of University Otolaryngologists also allowed me to speak at their meeting about efforts to increase the numbers of underrepresented minorities in our specialty and enable funds from the Diversity Endowment to support otolaryngology rotations for these medical students. Since its inception, all of our leaders have been supportive of the efforts and I believe that this past year’s slate of candidates was perhaps the most diverse that I have seen since joining the Academy. I believe this resulted not only from the efforts of our committee, but also the support of our leadership. As I begin my tenure as a voting board member, I want to thank the leadership, membership, and our incredible staff for their support with our ongoing efforts. As I close, I want to remember one of our inaugural committee members, Duane Sewell, MD, who passed away a year ago. He was an academician, researcher, and surgeon who cared about the future of our specialty and its commitment to diversity and inclusion. His untimely passing at such an early point in his career made me appreciate even more the choice he made to be a part of this committee.
“Ask Not What Your [Academy] Can Do for You, But…”
As a long time member of the Board of Governors (BOG), with more than 17 years representing the Long Island Society of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, I have seen many advances in the BOG. Starting as a grassroots organization, it has blossomed to where it now represents full-time academic physicians and private practitioners. As government, both on the state and federal level, has increasingly weighed in on reimbursement, recredentialing, Electronic Medical Records (EMR), e-prescribing, and Physician Quality & Reporting System (PQRS) participation, all supposedly for the benefit of our patients, we as physicians have come under increasing administrative pressure and fiscal constraints. We do the best we can for our patients according to our training and experience, advocating for each of them daily. To that end, the Academy and the BOG in its advocacy efforts fight for us every day. They sit at the table protecting our right to practice and patients’ right to good and thorough care. They develop guidelines to help you help your patients. The need for a strong advocacy organization like the BOG has become paramount. Your involvement is equally important, so I ask you to participate in the legislative outreach programs, the Washington OTO Advocacy Summit in the spring, and our BOG committee meetings. When asked, contact your legislator with letters or emails, or visit their local office. The Board of Governors Development/Fundraising Task Force and my chairmanship position were sunsetted at the end of September. It has been so successful that it now has become a Development Committee of the Foundation on which I am honored to serve. The BOG Development Task Force members helped reinvigorate the Millennium Society, and the Hal Foster, MD, Endowment, bringing members the Millennium Society lounge, special seating at the Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO, and early registration. The BOG Task Force helped raise more than $8 million. This is a fine example of a giving program formed by members that continues and expands its influence due to that commitment. This money supports the mission of the AAO-HNS/F. It helped fund the health  policy and legislative advocacy efforts on the state and federal level, research and quality initiatives, PQRIwizard, the education of our members, Resident Leadership Grants, our public relations  mini-campaigns, Find an ENT online feature, AcademyQ, and website relevancy and expansion. Members’ dues only cover 22 percent of the Academy budget. It is estimated that the Academy, through its efforts, returns to each member $4,000-10,000 in increased or saved reimbursement. Advocacy efforts have helped prevent implementation of the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR), while increasing reimbursement for head and neck procedures, new coding for office balloon sinuplasty, and even payment for wax removal. We continue the balloon sinuplasty “experimental and not reimbursable” fight, and the fight against direct-to-consumer hearing tests without a physician referral, and hearing aid dispensing. We continue to oppose audiology direct access to Medicare patients while supporting Truth in Advertising. Only an MD or DO should be able to represent themselves as a physician. We support what is best for our members and our patients. Patient care and access to the best ENT care is vital. The combined efforts of the members and the Academy are necessary to continue these initiatives. The Academy must remain independent of outside influences. Therefore, it is dependent on your continued financial support. Give individually to the Millennium Society, bequeath a large gift (life insurance, stocks bonds, businesses, art work) or make a substantial cash donation and become a member of the Hal Foster, MD Endowment, or a life member of the Millennium Society. Have your practice join Partners for Progress, make your voice heard, and ensure the future of the specialty. Join the Board of Governors, attend committee meetings (they are open to all), and participate. Come to the BOG Spring Meeting/OTO Advocacy Summit in Washington, DC, starting on May 5, 2013. If we, the members of the AAO-HNS, the Board of Governors, and the Academy itself do not have a strong voice in the future of our specialty, someone else will speak for us and our patients. Every BOG member should bring another member to our meetings, and every Millennium Society member should recruit another. Advocate or Abdicate. Donate or be Dominated. The BOG is here to serve you, but only through a strong, financially stable, active membership can that occur. Get involved.
David R. Nielsen, MD, AAO-HNS/F EVP/CEO
A Tradition of Effective Leadership
Last month, I thanked our outgoing elected leaders and welcomed our new ones. Most of our members are unaware of the tremendous time, effort, and energy that are cheerfully and willingly donated each year to ensuring that the Academy and Foundation are effectively led and managed. I’d like to share some insight into the additional training and leadership development that your elected leaders undergo to meet their fiduciary responsibilities to you, the fellows, members, and “owners” of the Academy. Each year as the newly elected president-elect is announced, I schedule a two-day management/leadership training seminar that we attend together designed for “chief elected officers” and “chief staff officers.” Although leaders from other medical associations are often present, these intense training sessions are attended by association professionals and elected leaders from a broad range of industries, from educators to accountants, and from individual membership models to trade associations whose members are other organizations. These seminars are sponsored by the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) as part of their “ASAE University™” training offerings, and are presented and facilitated by senior, experienced social sector leaders and trainers. The two days of instruction are not just theoretical, but are highly interactive. Each CSO/CEO group is given frequent assignments to discuss and apply the implications of what is being learned to their specific association’s financial, social, educational, advocacy, or research mission. This year, as Richard Waguespack, MD, is assuming the reins as president-elect, he and I will meet in January with our colleagues from other associations to engage in such dialogue and leadership development. As in the past, I expect the topics to include the special nature of voluntary organizations; the roles and partnerships between chief elected and chief staff officers; transformational leadership and branding a leadership reputation; the partnership with the boards of directors; building a culture of trust; legal and ethical board and leader responsibilities; a framework for governance, dialogue, and deliberation; and being strategic by building, implementing, monitoring, and adjusting strategy to accomplish core mission. Although this represents an intense model of leadership development for the president-elect, it is one of many examples of the growth and learning that enrich those who participate in the Academy. Our staff also undergoes regular training in improved models of communication, team building, project management, coaching, mentoring, delegation, and confrontation. Each fall, just prior to strategic planning, we share these principles with our elected and appointed board members and invited guests. Task-specific training is given to the members of our Finance and Investment Sub-committee (FISC) on their role in recommending to the Executive Committee the optimal investments, oversight, and balance of the Academy/Foundation’s reserves and resources. Recently, our Audit Committee was well instructed by our independent auditor in the critical principles of internal controls necessary to ensure the Academy’s financial performance is legally, fairly, and honestly portrayed; our actions are transparent; and our fiduciary responsibility to our members is maintained with integrity. This month, you will see our Annual Report in which we account to our membership and the public for the stewardship you have assigned us in leading and managing the Academy’s affairs and mission on your behalf. With our diverse membership, and with the understanding that there is always more to be done than there is time or resources to do it, I can attest to the miracle that is our volunteer Academy and Foundation. My gratitude is unbounded for the honor of being allowed to serve you through the Academy, and for the generous and unstinting time, donations, gifts, and intellectual content you give to the organization and share with your colleagues. Each member of the Academy financially receives far more benefit from Academy services than he or she pays in dues. Additionally, the educational and research opportunities, the community, and collegiality of our association through the Academy make membership highly desirable and rewarding. Please take time to read the Annual Report. Join me in thanking our representatives and elected leaders who work tirelessly on our behalf. And I urge you to share the real value of Academy membership that you receive with the otolaryngologists you work with as we commit to provide the best healthcare possible to our patients.
Additional Founding Donors of Hal Foster, MD Endowment Explain Motivation for Support
In addition to those recognized in the Bulletin article, Hal Foster, MD Endowment—From Dream to Reality, the following is a collection of other Founding Donors and their reasons for supporting the Hal Foster, MD Endowment. Sukgi S. Choi, MD, and Charles F. Monk, Jr. “I have benefited from those who came before me and their investment in the Academy. It seems fitting I give back to help continue the Academy’s legacy and invest in its future.” Duane J. Taylor, MD “Encouraging diversity is imperative to our success. Programs that facilitate cultural competency, inclusion, and encourage exploration of our specialty make us stronger and more cohesive. The AAO-HNSF Diversity Endowment will provide a critical base of funding for diversity-focused programs. I feel very passionate about this effort and am excited that our Foundation has encouraged its development as a catalyst for change and growth.” Michael E. Glasscock, III, MD “When I was a resident in otolaryngology I appreciated the AAO-HNS’ commitment to further education. I really enjoyed the courses I took at the annual meeting and I learned a lot of important educational pearls that simply were not covered in my residency program. I found such value that I have attended nearly every Academy meeting since 1962. The Academy has played an important role in my private practice of otology and neurotology throughout my career.” Gavin Setzen, MD, and Karen Setzen “As a practicing otolaryngologist I believe that each of us has an obligation to recognize the formidable contributions made by the many inspiring leaders who developed our field into the preeminent specialty that it is today. Our responsibility is to continue this proud tradition and legacy of education, training, and advocacy (for patients and colleagues alike); thereby ensuring that this group of physicians remains ready to provide the best ENT care for generations to come. On a personal level, I have found that the Academy has been a vehicle for me to further develop as a physician, as a surgeon and on a personal level as well, and I greatly value this symbiotic relationship. This gift is also a tribute to my greatest teachers, my patients, from whom I learn so much about medicine and the complexities of life itself on a daily basis, and who humble me and foster in me greater humility and compassion, central to our healing mission.” J. Pablo Stolovitzky, MD, and Silvia P. Stolovitzky “Our Academy’s unconditional support to our education and advocacy should always be reciprocated by the tireless volunteerism and generous giving of its members. This synergy will enable the advancement of otolaryngology for generations to come.” Seilesh Babu, MD, and Abbey Crooks-Babu, MD “As a young physician practicing otology/neurotology, the opportunities the AAO-HNS/F has provided me for leadership development, education, and networking have been essential to my growth and advancement. Through the Hal Foster, MD Endowment Society I recognize the opportunity to support the AAO-HNS/F in its mission of attracting the best and the brightest to our specialty and to continuing vital programs for young physicians pursuing the specialty in the future.” Ron Cannon, MD, and Family “The role of the AAO-HNS in education, research, and advocacy is integral to the success of our specialty. It is an honor to be able to participate in the Hal Foster, MD Endowment Society, and do so in memory of my late wife, Sharon, who was always very supportive of my chosen profession.” Rebecca D. Golgert, MD “I support the AAO-HNS because (silly as it sounds) it supports me. The Academy provides continuing education, resources for my patients and is continually promoting and strengthening our field. There is so much value in our Academy. I can’t think of a better investment for the benefit of my business.”
Academy Advantage–Our Strength in Numbers Brings Benefits to You
The Academy provides the specialist physician in otolaryngology–head and neck surgery with many benefits. The choice of benefits you most value and use frequently may vary from year to year or differ during your career. The Academy Advantage offers an array that serves you as your needs shift. From our “strength in numbers” and shared focus on the specialty, partnerships have been formed that allow members to receive discounts. If you have not yet discovered these gems, don’t miss out on everything provided to you through the Academy Advantage Program. This affinity program entails partnerships with “non-endemic” companies—those that are not medical device or pharmaceutical companies. See two highlighted below. In the busy pace of life you may have not realized what kind of savings and resources these program partners offer. Looking closely at the offerings may be an excellent investment of your time. Although not all the offerings may interest you today, there are many practical, direct benefits to be found. For example, all members have a need for medical liability insurance. You are encouraged to examine the solution provider that has been a longtime Academy Advantage Premier Partner, The Doctors Company. Assess premium discounts and dividends when loss ratios are low. Evaluate the savings available through this medical liability insurance provider. For more details, visit Excellent medical professional talent is vital to every practice. The Academy Advantage program includes a program offering that may greatly assist you if you face recruitment needs. HEALTHeCAREERS provides you a dynamic, online job board through ENT Careers. This is yet another instance of technology supporting our specialty. Job candidates can search for ENT job openings, and employers are able to post positions that target job seekers based on their specialty requirement needs. These resources are free to AAO-HNS members and job-posting rates are highly competitive, with volume discounts to employers placing job announcements on ENT Careers. Learn more by visiting These are just a few of the companies participating in the Academy Advantage program. For further information contact Mary McMahon at 703-535-3717 or
David R. Nielsen, MD, speaking about the value and strategic importance of industry partnership with board leadership, staff leadership, and industry representatives in attendance.
Industry Round Table: An Important Partnership
At this year’s Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO, the corporate supporters who make up the Industry Round Table (IRT) conducted their third successful annual meeting to discuss topics important to the corporate community and to advance the specialty. The IRT Program consists of corporate supporters that further the mission of our members through charitable giving to the Foundation. These organizations are leaders in the industry that have an appreciation for the value of a vital partnership between industry and the Academy. The IRT Round Table discussion is the forum for this partnership—providing critical, timely, and substantive content focused on a gamut of issues relating to education, research, health policy, and the future of our specialty. Participation in the IRT program is achieved through annual charitable gifts in support of our mission, Continuing Medical Education (CME) grants, and/or through corporate support for the Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO. There are three levels of participation in the IRT program. The levels of partnership are IRT Leader, IRT Member, and IRT Associate. The program year runs from annual meeting to annual meeting. Through collaborative relationships with industry, both the Academy and corporate supporters can leverage the important work to further shared goals and thus better serve and communicate with the otolaryngology specialty, its practitioners, and patients. The quality of our partnership with IRT corporate supporters is best demonstrated during the meeting that takes place during the AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO, and is attended by Academy and Foundation board leadership, staff leadership, and IRT representatives. Topics of discussion include our strategic initiatives and a discussion of how to best continue to strengthen the partnership. The conversation ranged from discussing new educational opportunities, such as AcademyQ, to research related endeavors addressing quality improvement and reporting. As we continue to strive for increased quality of patient outcomes through knowledgeable, competent, and professional healthcare providers, we appreciate and recognize our corporate partners whose sponsorships make a difference in advancing our specialty. Thank you 2011-2012 IRT partners for your insights. We look forward to continuing our collaborations while we navigate in a new and ever-changing healthcare environment! Contact: Mary McMahon at 1-703-535-3717 for more information. IRT Leaders Acclarent; LifeStyle Lift IRT Members Alcon; Teva Respiratory IRT Associates Bristol – Myers Squibb; Entellus; Intuitive Surgical; Medtronic; Olympus; Stryker
Millennium Society donors enjoying lunch during the 2012 AAO-HNS/F Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO
The Millennium Society: More Than 10 Years of Philanthropic Giving
What is the state of support of the Millennium Society during the span of 10 years? Let’s consider numbers from two points in time: 2001 and 2012. The total number of Millennium Society donors who created a philanthropic culture of giving at the Foundation by founding the Millennium Society in 2001: 85. The current number of Life Members in the Millennium Society in 2012: 98. You, our Millennium Society donors, include members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Governors, residents, young physicians, retired physicians, committee chair, and AAO-HNS members and staff. With 466 members giving back to their Foundation and being a part of the Millennium Society, we celebrate the healthy and growing state of the philanthropic culture at the Academy. Your strong financial support is essential to funding our mission. Due to a growing awareness of giving back to the Foundation, each year we have been able to provide more program funding for education, international visiting scholars along with research, humanitarian and resident travel grants. The pins, pens, writing tablets, and other items are modest gifts to express our appreciation for your generous support to the Academy. These tokens seen by other members raise the visibility of the Foundation and encourage others to donate. Put simply, your giving motivates others to give. The Donor Acknowledgement Wall outside the Millennium Society Donor Appreciation Lounge at the AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO is a powerful visual tool to spotlight the commitment of you and your fellow donors’ to the specialty. It is a powerful visual tool illustrating to others that there are many ardent supporters who continue, year after year, to go above and beyond to sustain our mission. Thank you for belonging to Millennium Society—your continued generosity is essential to our mission to empower all otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeons to deliver the best patient care. Contact: Mary McMahon at  1-703-535-3717 for more information. Partners for Progress–Practice Colleagues in CollaborationEach day members face new challenges in providing the best patient care and managing their practices. A growing number of ENT group practices have opted to seize the opportunity to join Partners for Progress and leverage its resources to address the issues confronting our specialty. Launched in 2010, Partners for Progress now has 27 members that range from solo to mid-sized and large group practices. All corners of the United States and the heartland are represented. In addition, MedStar Georgetown University Hospital is a new category of member and an area of future expansion: the university-based academic setting. The 2012 Annual Partners for Progress Forum provided partner-directed conversations about the trends and challenges faced in the day-to-day practice of Otolaryngology. Partners for Progress members tap this valuable setting to share knowledge, dialogue, collaborate, and leverage resources toward a stronger specialty. This yearly gathering serves as a helpful communication channel for the practices with the AAO-HNS/F. The forum provided an opportunity for real dialogue on timely, vital topics such as third party payer advocacy efforts, the 2013 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and quality measures for physician reimbursement. Highlights of new initiatives, programs, products, and accomplishments are presented by members of the AAO-HNS/F senior executive team, including David R. Nielsen, MD, AAO-HNS/F EVP/CEO, who facilitated the meeting. In addition to serving as a forum to discuss key issues to practice physicians, Partners for Progress provides critical philanthropic support. This fundamental mission support continues to open doors for young physicians, facilitate research, and foster innovative programs and services that support otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeons in providing the best patient care. Contact: Mary McMahon at 1-703-535-3717 for more information. 2012 Partners for Progress Members InvestorTexas Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists Partner Advanced ENT Advanced ENT & Allergy Arkansas Otolaryngology Center Augusta ENT Charlestown ENT Colorado ENT & Allergy Ear, Nose and Throat of South Florida PA ENT & Allergy Associates LLP Hudson Valley Ear, Nose & Throat Houston Ear, Nose and Throat & Allergy MedStar Georgetown University Hospital Ohio ENT Otosleep Otolaryngology Associates of Long Island PC Peoria ENT Sacramento ENT Shea Ear Clinic Sound Health Services, PC Associates Chicago Otolaryngology Associates Howard S. Kotler, MD ENT Associates of Alabama J. Noble Anderson, MD and A. Craig Chapman, MD Island ENT/NY Facial Plastics B. Todd Schaeffer, MD and Moshe Ephrat, MD Long Island ENT Associates, PC* Jay S. Youngerman, MD and John J. Grosso, MD Michael A. Rothschild, MD Michael Setzen, MD Otolaryngology PC New York Otology Sujana S. Chandrasekhar, MD Richard W. Waguespack, MD Ear, Nose, and Throat
Phillip L. Massengill, MD (left), Raghuvir B. Gelot, MD (right)
Hal Foster, MD Endowment—From Dream to Reality
Ron Sallerson and Mary McMahon, AAO-HNS Staff Imagine yourself transported back in time 116 years ago. Hal Lovelace Foster, MD, calls together the first meeting of ophthalmologists and otolaryngologists. He has the insight to understand the importance of creating a forum to advance professional learning for benefit of quality patient care in the specialty. And his commitment was a personal one. Foster paid for the cost of that meeting in 1896—an estimated $400—himself. The Vision Foster said of that initial meeting, “The money I spent in calling those specialists together was the best investment I ever made.” Could he have imagined that his early efforts and financial support would result in the AAO-HNS/F of today: a thriving membership of about 12,000 members? Fast forward 113 years. It is now 2009. The AAO-HNS/F, through the leadership of the Board of Directors, embarks on its first endowment campaign. The choice is made to name this campaign the Hal Foster, MD Endowment to pay tribute to the man who created our organization. The Present The next stop on our time travel is the present. When you visit the Foundation’s offices you are welcomed by the sight of the Hal Foster, MD Endowment Campaign Wall of Honor showcasing the Founding Donors. We are honored to announce that 45 donors as of December 31, 2011, made a decision to be Founding Members of this monumental effort. This beautiful installation embodies our tribute to Hal Foster, MD and shows the faces of those who answered the call to fund the endowment. Also displayed are inspiring and compelling messages from each donor describing reasons for supporting the mission of the Academy. The Hal Foster, MD Endowment Donor Wall is one lasting way to convey our gratitude for their generous philanthropy. Some of the Founding Members share with us their motivations for support: Sujana S. Chandrasekhar, MD, and Krishnan Ramanathan “Our contribution to the Foundation is made to honor and sustain its vision for education, research, and patient care. I, like every single ENT resident and surgeon, have benefited greatly from the Foundation’s educational products. I have seen the Academy honor my father, Dr. H.K. Chandrasekhar, for his far-reaching public service work, and I have seen it enable me to develop my leadership abilities. The Academy is a place and an idea that welcomes all otolaryngologists, women and men, and all races, as family; and, as family, encourages each to develop his or her own skills and succeed. By donating to the Foundation’s fund, we can help this organization–our organization–chart the right course for the best in otolaryngology in the future.” Neil Bhattacharyya, MD, and Anjini Bhattacharyya, MD “We can help patients one at a time in our day-to-day practice and we can shape current practice through our research and teaching, but through the Hal Foster, MD Endowment we will be able to build and influence the long-term future of our specialty.”     Andrew Blitzer, MD, DDS“I feel very privileged to be an otolaryngologist. I am dedicated to my patients, and feel an obligation to give back to the medical community for the privilege I have. To that end, I teach residents and fellows, perform clinical research to better understand and treat disorders of the head and neck, and work with the Foundation on educational and research endeavors. I feel that the Academy best represents the otolaryngology community as a whole. I have chosen to endow a research grant opportunity in laryngology to let my legacy continue long after my career has ended.”The Future We continue our journey in time, arriving in the future. Will you follow Dr. Foster’s incredible gesture of generosity and leadership? Will you join the Founding Members by supporting the Hal Foster, MD, Endowment? His contributions of time, effort, and resources resulted in the creation of the AAO-HNS/F, the largest organization representing today’s otolaryngologist–head and neck surgeons. Endowments are the financial foundation of an institution. These funds are invested, rather than used for immediate needs. Through this endowment, you help the AAO-HNS/F fulfill Dr. Foster’s vision. Those who donate to the Hal Foster, MD Endowment become an integral component of the history and future of this organization helping to preserve the AAO-HNS/F legacy for many generations to come. The earnings provide a stable, ongoing funding source to sustain excellence in research, lifelong learning, humanitarian missions and aid, evidence-based medicine, international work, and advocacy—all central to our mission. Every day, we are asked to respond to changes in the medical landscape by creating new programs and knowledge for the specialty. However, these efforts can only be sustained in the long term with additional funding. A gift to the Hal Foster, MD, Endowment enriches the specialty every year. So, back in the present the Founding Donors phase of the Hal Foster, MD, Endowment was closed in December 2011. However, all contributors to this endowment from now on will be recognized in a special location on the headquarters lobby display. To add your name or for more information about the Hal Foster, MD Endowment, contact: Mary McMahon at 1-703-535-3717. List of Hal Foster, MD Endowment Donors As of October 15, 2012 Centurions Ronald B. Kuppersmith, MD, MBA, and Nicole Kuppersmith* Michael M. Paparella, MD, and Treva Paparella Stewards Robert W. Bastian, MD, and Janice E. Bastian* Nikhil J. Bhatt, MD, and Anjali Bhatt, MD* Neil Bhattacharyya, MD, and Anjini Bhattacharyya, MD* Andrew Blitzer, MD, DDS* I David Bough, Jr., MD* Sujana S. Chandrasekhar, MD, and Krishnan Ramathan* Sukgi S. Choi, MD, and Charles F. Monk, Jr.* Noel L. Cohen, MD, and Baukje Cohen* Lee D. Eisenberg, MD, MPH, and Nancy E. Eisenberg* Michael E. Glasscock, III, MD* Steven M. Gold, MD* Thomas A. Graves, MD* Barry R. Jacobs, MD, and MaryLynn Jacobs* Jonas T. Johnson, MD, and Janis Johnson* David W. Kennedy, MD* Thomas B. Logan, MD, and Jo Logan* Rodney P. Lusk, MD, and Constance C. Lusk, BSN, RN* Phillip L. Massengill, MD* James L. Netterville, MD* David R. Nielsen, MD, and Rebecca C. Nielsen, RN* Richard M. Rosenfeld, MD MPH* Harlene Ginsberg and Jerry M. Schreibstein, MD* Gavin Setzen, MD, and Karen Setzen* James A. Stankiewicz, MD* J. Pablo Stolovitzky, MD, and Silvia P. Stolovitzky* Ira David Uretzky, MD, and Beth J. Uretzky* Jay S. Youngerman, MD, and Toni Youngerman* Sustainers Peter J. Abramson, MD, and Cara Abramson, APRN-BC* Kenneth W. Altman, MD, PhD, and Courtney Altman* Seilesh Babu, MD, and Abbey Crooks-Babu, MD* Ron Cannon, MD, and family* Raghuvir B. Gelot, MD, and Carolyn Gelot, RN, MSN, FNP* Rebecca D. Golgert, MD* Stacey L. Ishman, MD, and Jim McCarthy* Darius Kohan, MD Alfred Kornblut, CAPT MC USNR-RET*, and Alan David Kornblut, AB, MS, MD Helen F. Krause, MD* Spencer C. Payne, MD* Michael D. Seidman, MD, and Lynn Seidman* Nancy L. Snyderman, MD* Duane J. Taylor, MD* P. Ashley Wackym, MD, and Jeremy Wackym* David L. Witsell, MD, MHS* Peak Woo, MD* Mark E. Zafereo, Jr., MD* *Indicates founding donor