Academy Highlights Success: Changes in Coding and Reimbursement for ENT Services in 2013
It is critical that Academy members keep in mind that maintaining value for otolaryngology-head and neck surgery services is an enormous success in light of the rigorous review and cost-saving focus of both the AMA RUC and CMS. Therefore, the Academy is pleased that we were able to maintain, or increase, relative value units for nearly all codes reviewed in the 2012 RUC cycle. The table below includes values approved by CMS for CY 2013. As was mentioned in the November 2012 edition of the Bulletin, members can expect several coding changes for ENT services in CY 2013. Many of these changes are discussed in our summary of the 2013 final Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, which is posted on the Academy website at The Academy also provided comments to CMS on all provisions of the final fee schedule that affect our members, including the valuation information for 2013. Specific fluctuations in reimbursement for these services are demonstrated by the table below this article. The Academy participated either directly, or via comment and/or monitoring, in the development of recommendations to the AMA RUC for all of the following procedures. For several codes, such as the complex wound repair family of codes, the Academy was asked to collaborate with other specialty societies (e.g., American Society of Plastic Surgery and American Academy of Dermatology) to develop relative value and practice expense recommendations. Those recommendations are then reviewed by the AMA RUC and either approved or modified. CMS is then presented with the AMA RUC’s value recommendations and may either approve or modify the values for these services. They then post their final determinations in the final Medicare physician fee schedule final rule each year. In the event members have any questions regarding the above information or modifications to specific codes, please email us at
As was mentioned in the November 2012 edition of the Bulletin, members can expect several coding changes for ENT services in CY 2013. Many of these changes are discussed in our summary of the 2013 final Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, which is posted on the Academy website at The Academy also provided comments to CMS on all provisions of the final fee schedule that affect our members, including the valuation information for 2013.
Specific fluctuations in reimbursement for these services are demonstrated by the table below this article. The Academy participated either directly, or via comment and/or monitoring, in the development of recommendations to the AMA RUC for all of the following procedures. For several codes, such as the complex wound repair family of codes, the Academy was asked to collaborate with other specialty societies (e.g., American Society of Plastic Surgery and American Academy of Dermatology) to develop relative value and practice expense recommendations. Those recommendations are then reviewed by the AMA RUC and either approved or modified. CMS is then presented with the AMA RUC’s value recommendations and may either approve or modify the values for these services. They then post their final determinations in the final Medicare physician fee schedule final rule each year.
In the event members have any questions regarding the above information or modifications to specific codes, please email us at