Duane J. Taylor, MD AAO-HNS/F Past PresidentMore by Duane J. Taylor, MD AAO-HNS/F Past PresidentA Time for LeadershipThe American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) realizes that our country is currently in the midst of a crisis and potentially at a crossroads. The recent current events have placed a spotlight on the racial injustice in our country and made us all question why we as a nation have tolerated the disregard for a human life solely based on our differences.Finding Our Way - Choosing Your Path and Understanding the JourneyClinging to clichés that include “silver linings” or “lemons to lemonade” seems challenging at best these days; however, daily we are becoming more equipped to find our way sustained by optimism, positivity, and hope that we will get through this.A Time for Our Equanimity under DuressMy hope is that you and your families are healthy and safe as you continue to manage, communicate with, and care for your patients in some way. I realize that difficult times like these can bring us closer as a specialty and make us more poised and better positioned to understand, research, educate, empathize, interact, and work through the challenges caused by this global pandemic.The Value of a MentorOver the last several months, I have had the opportunity to speak to many individuals, including students, residents, and colleagues, about my journey in our specialty–all leading up to my current role as President of our Academy.Working Together as We Embrace and Support Our DifferencesThis month, I would like to highlight the history and efforts of our Academy in the area of diversity and inclusion. The motto “We Are One” embodies the composition of and commitment to our membership and the patients we serve.Are Your Pediatric Patients Part of the “Team?”Because February is our Academy’s Kids ENT Health month, we all have the opportunity to shine the spotlight on certain Kids ENT health issues and direct patients and parents to accurate information that affect this younger segment of our patient population (ENTHealth.org). This month, we also have a chance to pause and reflect on the way we communicate with, care for, and influence our pediatric patients along with their parents.Advocacy and making a differenceRecent surveys have validated that most of our members believe that our Academy is effective in the area of advocacy, and I would agree. Advocacy plays a vital role for our organization and highlights one of the many values of membership.A unified approach to patient careI am still riding the wave of excitement and energy that accompanied our recent Annual Meeting in New Orleans, starting with an unforgettable Welcome Ceremony and President’s Reception, led by Albert L. Merati, MD, Immediate Past President.Finding our center: The journey beginsAs I considered and reflected upon what to write in this first column of my presidency, I was reminded of a quote by Deepak K. Chopra: “You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible,” as well as the concept of finding your center before embarking on each endeavor.