AAO-HNS Bulletin | Special Edition | January 2021

ENTNET.ORG/BULLETIN AAO-HNS BULLETIN SPECIAL EDITION: 125TH ANNIVERSARY 15 The full recap of the Academy’s 2020 efforts addressing the COVID-19 pandemic can be accessed in the 2020 Annual Report at https://www.entannualreport.org/. A few notable items include: Guidance for Return to Practice The AAO-HNS, with the collaboration of the otolaryngology specialty societies, developed recommendations for a safe return to practice, presented in two parts and to be updated as necessary. Ansomia andDysgeusiaActions Effecting Change • Public statement released onMarch 22 • Reporting tool launched for data collection onMarch 26 • Public outreach achieved through substantial media coverage • Patient information included on ENThealth.org • Publication of initial reporting tool findings in Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery on April 10 Research Published in Otolaryngology–Head andNeck Surgery made available to the healthcare community in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Engagement on ENTConnect provided peer-to-peer support. COVID-19 Podcast Series produced 18 podcasts providing a means of connection on COVID-19 pandemic related topics. COVID-19 Email Series shared information, updates, and resources to the global otolaryngology community. COVID-19ResourceWeb Page housed on entnet.org to serve as a repository of information. COVID-19Videos created for both the otolaryngology community and to the public/ patient community and accessed on ENThealth.org. Other efforts included: • Education • Statements and Position Statements • Advocacy and Financial Relief • AAO-HNSF 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting &OTO Experience • Information Technology To access all of these resources andmore, go to https://www.entnet.org/content/covid- 19-resource-page. COVID-19, “the SUS has been instrumental in bringing together the decision-makers and thought leaders from each specialty area within otolaryngology to collectively work together enabling our specialty to move forward for the benefit of all,” said Dr. Denneny, AAO-HNS/F Executive Vice President and CEO. The pre-existing relationships and successful collaboration within otolaryngology- head and neck surgery among the major specialty areas allowed for immediate and collegial responses to address the rising challenges of practice and patient care that COVID-19 bestowed on the healthcare community. The relationships existed and the outreach to each other was seamless—in fact, almost expected because this cooperative foundation had been nurtured through the SUS. Duane J. Taylor, MD, 2020AAO-HNS/F President, and Dr. Denneny provide an overview in the 2020Annual Report of theAcademy’s COVID-19 response—a response, in the name of public health, that included resources and materials for members and nonmembers alike, domestic and international. They noted, “The collaborative network of the global otolaryngology community as well as the house of medicine has demonstrated extraordinary initiative and leadership in addressing the paramount COVID-19 challenges. It is our belief that this peer-to-peer connection that transcends from organization to organization, practice to practice, and physician to physician, is the value that propels the healthcare community through crises such as this.” As this issue goes to press, the COVID-19 pandemic still looms large—its total toll on society still unknown. What we do know is abundantly clear, and that is theAAO-HNS is a magnificent collection of individuals with the knowledge, experience, skills, and commitment to further deepen the collaboration and collectivity of the global otolaryngology community. Even in times of pure exhaustion and uncertainty, members dug deep to continue offering contributions that supported each other, the specialty, public health, and patient care.